The perfect NG policeman playset. Now on sale for only $you're under arrest for attempting to buy my equipment!
writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life
Age 25, she/her/they
Joined on 8/12/11
Posted by JimmyTheCaterpillar - June 28th, 2014
The perfect NG policeman playset. Now on sale for only $you're under arrest for attempting to buy my equipment!
Posted by JimmyTheCaterpillar - June 23rd, 2014
What's the haps, Paulie?
No, no, no, no... It's been too long! Whatchyoo been doin' with yoself??
Smooth as shit, Paulie. As always.
Posted by JimmyTheCaterpillar - June 10th, 2014
I told Wade this would be the last time I changed my name. It's over, and so now I am JimmyTheCaterpillar for the rest of my days on Newgrounds.
Posted by JimmyTheCaterpillar - June 9th, 2014
In collaboration news, I'm looking to collaborate again, with composition pieces, and voice acting, etc. I made a lot of music for a game called Normalcy, but I haven't heard from the programmer in months. I hope his assumed funeral went nicely.
In solo news, I'm lazy so not now, kids.
In band news, I'm back with the Dystopians. W00t. Music coming soon.*. *soon is probably a long time.
In real life news, I'm in love with a real living human female!
In news news, I just made this post in this format, and I like it. I might do this for often.
And now...
THE MAIN EVENT: So, I'm probably gonna change my name again. The name 'UncleCubone' wore out its welcome quite fast when I realized how much I enjoyed Butterfree in Pokemon X. I'm hoping to change it to (you guessed it) JimmyTheCaterpillar. It's the name of one of the longer poems I've written, and I really like the name. There's not much you can do to change my mind on this, to be fully honest. I'm pretty set. However, if you still feel like protesting, knock yourself out.
Posted by JimmyTheCaterpillar - June 2nd, 2014
I'm 15 today. How strange. I remember when I joined this site... I was 12. How time flies.
Thanks for a good three years, Newgrounds. I won't ever forget them.
As if I was going anywhere. I'm still inactive for the most part, but eh.
My birthday wish NG-wise is simple. Someone make me a goddamned birthday thread. It's been too long without one. Please?
Posted by JimmyTheCaterpillar - May 11th, 2014
Joue7 makes good music and I approve of him. Thunder Cloud is my personal favorite.
Anyhow, Amaranthus kicked me out of the Dystopians, because I didn't do shit. It's all the merrier, really. I've been insanely busy in the real world so I haven't been able to make time for NG lately. Maybe when the summer hits I'll be around a lot more.
Posted by JimmyTheCaterpillar - April 26th, 2014
So... When I got my name changed, immediately someone said it was unoriginal.
That's stuck with me ever since.
Would you all hate me if I changed my name again?
Posted by JimmyTheCaterpillar - April 3rd, 2014
Wow, this whole 'No Newgrounds' thing sucks, I'll tell you what.
More to come.
(@amaranthus don't kick me out of the band. This isn't my fault I swear. If you do, I'll go to Belgium and assault you with hurtful poetry.)
Posted by JimmyTheCaterpillar - March 13th, 2014
Yep. You guessed it. My prolonged absense is the result of more gosh-darn laptop problems. Just as I was getting reletively busy around here... Ironically, the reason I left was the reason my laptop now has problems, watching anime (not the same site, so don't worry about clicking the link.).
It's been loaded down with malware and viruses, so we're trying to fix it.
Sorry, everyone. Especially the guys @Dystopians.