Life is pretty awful right now. My dog, Lulu, died around 1:00am-5am on the 28th... Apparently, she got out of the house last night and no one noticed, and she wandered on the highway near our apartment and got hit by a car. Our neighbor found her on the side of the road. She was my baby, and she was the best pet I've ever had. All her mannerisms and the way she acted will be dearly missed. She would do all these funny, cute things, like she would rest her head on your face when you got mad in an attempt to cheer you up, and she would yawn in this distinct voice, and she'd get jealous and bark and stand on her hind legs if you didn't pay attention to her, and.... oh there is so much, much, much more... She was just the very essence of happiness.
The morning I found out, I dug her a hole near the fence where she always went to when I walked her, and I buried her.
I don't think I've ever cried so much. She was so young.... She didn't deserve it... Life won't be the same.
But she's in a good place now. She's happy.
RIP LULU (March 2011- June 28th, 2013)