i definitely feel like this sometimes lol, manic episodes can be nutty. i like the way the clothes drape over the subject, it seems very natural!
i definitely feel like this sometimes lol, manic episodes can be nutty. i like the way the clothes drape over the subject, it seems very natural!
the technical simplicity of the composition really adds to this I think. it's not particularly haunting, but certainly affecting. it makes me wonder about the subject, about its smile, wide eyes. i think it's really something. i enjoy the noisiness of the background.
very interesting for sure, i'm very eager to see more of your work :)
damn! this is really awesome.
I was initially drawn to this piece because of the sky -- the colors used. And as I looked over the painting, it really just maintained that same level of intrigue, and I love the figure in the background, it caught my eye from the sky, how the two nearly meld together.
and in a really smart compositional choice, the figure being placed close to the horse's breast leads me to start looking toward the horse. with a unique build and a worn expression, i love this horse and again the colors you've used to depict him. the horse looks just as aware of its surroundings as anyone else on the canvas.
the knight too, is very well thought-of. i especially love the way you've conveyed the wornness of the knight by making him quite small of frame. he is sitting up tall, so i've no doubt of his conviction or skill, but he almost seems malnourished under that armor, and i've got to only imagine the perilousness of this campaign.
the banner then, after having gone on this spiraling journey throughout the canvas (again, completely due to the exemplary sense of composition) represents such a simple idyllic value -- the sun shone on me, and it was good.
how twisted things can become.
fantastic work!!
I like this because i wanted to make feel the grimdark style.
I like the big nose helmet.
The banner is one of my favorite things.
conceptually, this is just the shit!!!!
one of your most fun works, and i deadass love everything about this piece. all my love!!!!!
Yeeah, people and birds is a fun idea that i had someday, This show my passion of the casual moments with my weird designs.
the sparseness of this background i think works a lot better than in the scene with all of the religious symbolism, maybe because the piece overall is a bit less busy, and the furthest layer of environment is a lot closer,, like everything is a lot more succinct! also the way the little black curls you've made to symbolize the air is so cool here because, tied with the craggy rock, it almost brings forth this idea of waves slamming against the rock and the sea air is spraying all around. it's very cool.
i do kind of wish there was some tertiary element here, but maybe that's just me.
This humanoid was founded in a glaciar enviroment.
Religious symbolism?
very indicative of how the military can make one feel so small.
inspired shit.
my favorite detail is the smirk on the helmeted officer, lurking in the foreground.
Birds in uniform are cool. XD
The helmeted one are one of my favorite designs.
very imposing, and particularly frightening work!! the composition and character-work is stellar, though i find the background is a bit emptier than the forefront and it does create some dissonance with the piece.
very strong regardless!
I really dont know what can i do for the background so just drawed towers. XD
really wild work as always,, always so colorful and full!! i see the monsters as fears conceptualized by people, as defined by the white figures below.
your work is so good! i can only say keep it up -- & be kind to yourself!! :) thank you
Thanks for yours words. :D
The white figures are just totems for the worm dragons.
its just one big room in there huh
gentle coloring, would love some more detail on the hill, just a bit
yknow what i see it now, i agree :)
woww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is so cool, i love how shinyyy it is
writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life
Age 25, she/her/they
Joined on 8/12/11