Maybe it's just me but every time I want to switch forms I have to move my mouse a little bit and THEN click. It makes the game a lot harder than it should be. Other than that, really cool concept and I can see myself really liking it.
Maybe it's just me but every time I want to switch forms I have to move my mouse a little bit and THEN click. It makes the game a lot harder than it should be. Other than that, really cool concept and I can see myself really liking it.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I always enjoyed actually playing with the buddy. Like catch and stuff. This is just about beating him senseless?
Also, I think I like the building mechanic, but how am I supposed to get money for new walls and stuff if I don't want to hurt him?
Super fun game!! Although the difficulty just kind of spikes out of nowhere, I had a great time with this little puzzle game. Really unique and incredibly satisfying concept.
Definitely adding to favorites! I look forward to sequel with even more levels!
Neat concept, and the difficulty curve was nice. However, the game does start out a little slow and it's boring for a minute. Also, for a game as simple as this, the audio and visuals were incredibly lacking. Spice up the graphics a bit, or add in some funky banana shop tunes.
Ultimately, this feels like the barebones template of a game that COULD be really fun.
I could only do so much with what little time I did have. Thank you for playing though!
Welp I've had this game open in my browser since I initially checked it out so you guys must've done something right!
It's a fine game, if not ridiculously short.
Been playing for like 4 hours. Does that say enough?
This is a really good game... As far as dress-up games go. But it's probably one of the most well made I've seen.
My only real complaints is that occasionally the buttons would stick, and you'd have to press them a few times to get them to work again (but that might just be my computer being laggy.). The other is that there's no music. It's a little strange sitting there in silence playing dress-up. Next time, add a music option so you can toggle it on and off.
On the topside however, the graphics were quality, and the clothes actually fit properly. Not only did they fit, there was quite a selection!
So, yes. Great dress-up and keep it up!
(And I'd slap a T or M rating on that. Just because it doesn't REALLY show anything, it's not something I'd show to my kindergarten class.)
Truly a Michael Bay prodigy.
I just wish there were more opportunities for explosions XD
writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life
Age 25, she/her/they
Joined on 8/12/11