Pretty neat and original. I liked the music and the fighting was very fluid. Facial expressions were amazing.
Happy Pico Day!
Pretty neat and original. I liked the music and the fighting was very fluid. Facial expressions were amazing.
Happy Pico Day!
Awes0me. Happy Pico Day!
Neat little short. The animation and facial expressions are great. But extra little details were lacking. (Backgrounds, shit like that.)
Happy Pico Day!
Give me shorts huh?
The fight scene was amazing. Great job.
One of my favorites on NG, Stamper. Nice one.
Now I liked the art. It's a teeny tiny bit like egoraptor's. But the lip-syncing was awful, and as for the audio, well you already know what is wrong with it so I won't bother talking about it.
P.S. I saw the video shortly after I saw this. FUNNIEST THING EVER FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS.
Yeah man my lipsyncs always kinda sucked I improved though looking back haha.
Man, this is my exact first impression on the video, I am still dust floating around.
Glad you liked it haha
I thought this was great and all, but you didn't show how everyone died...
HOLY SHIT. That was the most unexpected thing you could have done. You waited for just the right time, and executed it perfectly. However, the art was a bit plain and there was nothing else in the else, still, very funny!
The art, animation, and voice acting/audio was absolutely AMAZING. Worthy of a popular TV show. But the writing and jokes were fairly lame. The only times I laughed were when the Starbarians killed the Snake Warlock even though he won, and the edible gold part. With the authors' capabilities, this series can be SO MUCH MORE than predictable cock-jokes. Looking forward to the next one.
This was extremely funny. I'm not sure I would have handled it as well as you did though. Great job!
P.S. The graphics were AMAZING.
writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life
Age 25, she/her/they
Joined on 8/12/11