this was very touching, the way the photos were shown to the viewer was a perfect transitional choice, i loved it.
this was very touching, the way the photos were shown to the viewer was a perfect transitional choice, i loved it.
freaky as hell!!!! loved it, love the reliance of the atmosphere created to scare, rather than an easy jumpscare. i loved the sound design too, and how the images and animation "load in" rather than move fluidly. this is a real moment here.
Thanks for your compliment. Have a good day.
fun animation! i really liked the rat's naivete throughout,,, the satan bit at the end was verrryyyy family-guy humor level though.. lol
Hey petah rememba the time when jimmythecaterpillar left me a comment on Newgrounds dot com?
fun! maybe in the opening make them pan into the frame as opposed to having them just blip in ? you got it!!~~
Yeah i jus did that so its more in beat with the song I planned on doing more but just rushed this since i got sick </3 thx for da feedback
probably more suited to the art portal these days, but it's cute! :)
a Moment was captured Here
originally i watched this on yt, but i'm so glad to know that you post here, too.
i think about this animation often,, one of your best works.
there are days when i worry i won't make rent and there are days when i will succumb to my desires come addictions -- there are days when i realize i haven't been to the gym in a week and worse days when i've connected with nothing, not even my own body, my own self. days when I shimmer into translucence, as if i risk losing myself. every day i have these realizations i think about how every day is a beautiful day, and i feel myself again. zits and arms and all. we are all a part of this beautiful day. thank you for sharing this ; ily as a stranger can
jimmy the caterpillar one day you will be a beautiful butterfly
the sensation of panic abounds in this one D:
writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life
Age 25, she/her/they
Joined on 8/12/11