
361 Audio Reviews

180 w/ Responses

Oh dayum, I wasn't expecting that. I was starting to assume it would be short and choppy like that the whole. S'what I get for assuming though, right?

This is a powerful track, and I really loved it. However, the beginning is just a tad too slow, and I bet you'll lose some impatient listeners before it gets too good. The ending doesn't fit in, and it doesn't the song justice.
Nonetheless, the song overall is terrific, the transition and buildup is just great, and the sound quality is amazing.

Great job!!!

Squale responds:

Hi UncleCubone,
thanks for the review. I know what you mean but I have no possibility to change it cause the track is a little older and I lost the creationdata. Makes me happy that you like it. :)

I'm not sure if you're trying to make a statement or purposely tried to make this sound bad. Nonetheless, it's not bad. But it's definitely not the best I've heard.
It's a little catchy and intriguing (hate to use the same word, but it's perfect for this song.), but there's nothing really new. It's repetition.

Not bad.

jawalker213 responds:

UncleCubone, thanks for listening and chiming in. I'm sorry we don't see eye to eye on this one, though I must disagree with the nothing new part. I hope that you will understand part of my goal in my work to challenge expectations and present something new. Of course, this often brings resistance, and many don't know what to do with something that's very new, but I still do it with a lot of fun and excitement. To give you an example, I make all of the sounds you hear in my music so I can express what I really want. In my view, these sounds are good!

This was a great track, however I kept waiting for a buildup that never came. It was quite disappointing.

HOWEVER, it was very smooth and well-crafted.

A solid track in which I enjoyed.

DoctorAppetitus responds:

Thanks man. It's actually not done, so I'll probably get to making it sound a bit more full.

This is actually quite great, and it's not worthy of the belittling of yourself. I can't wait to hear the rest of it, and you have yourself a new fan.

AshleyAlyse responds:

Hahaha, thank you so much! :D

Holy hot hepatitis! This got bouncing up and down in my chair within the first five seconds. This is the best track I've heard in a VERRRRRRYYYYY long time! I will make sure to whore this out ALL over NG!

Thank you for creating this digital diamond.

MadMath responds:

Aaaw man, that's so sweet, you're gonna make me blush !!!
Thanks a lot for these very nice words :)

Jynx was defeated! Rival SKANK sent out Lopunny!

But in all seriousness, this is really rad and I love it.

Although I did enjoy this, there was very little or no bass. It doesn't feel like it ever reaches a climax.
However, the rhythm and melody is very nice. It's got a good flow and transitions.

Not a bad track at all, my friend.

AlxEllis responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

It was a tough one to add a climax too, I wanted it to be able to loop, but at the same time be "epic" sounding? hence the name "Time To Battle" one minute a character is walking then BOOM! BATTLE TIME!

Glad you enjoyed the track!

writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life

Age 25, they/she




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