just about anything castlevania is positive to me!! right on!
just about anything castlevania is positive to me!! right on!
Castlevania has some of the best VGM I've ever heard. Thanks for the review!
very much reminiscent of northern city and smog. funny how hope and certain desire can shine through despite.
i enjoyed this, thank you!
Nah dude thank *you* for the review boss
this must have been soooo much fun to put together!!!!! i would have been so tempted to shred my vocal samples way more than you did lol! so much restraint -- fun track.
i feel like the song is a little short for the second chorus to feel earned, but the vocals are endearing and the instrumentation was uplifting!
feels like a very kind work, which i will always embrace!
this is very cool to listen to. the commitment to finding melody in unique constraints is admirable and beautiful. the enthusiasm you have in not only finding these sequences but pulling them out of the ground all the way, finding a sense of progression as well, is the kind of thing that makes an artist. i am really enjoying these efforts!
hype shit. i wish i had more to properly say beyond that i was engaged throughout the entire runtime and that you gave me a lot to think about in my own creative process with this song -- so thank you! i will eagerly check out your future/other work :)
thank you so much!
damn you just know how 2 compose mallets huh
this is fun & i have no real notes other than those two
RIP WIP >: i've been there before
the clock ticking immediately sets thematic elements. cinematic is definitely the genre.
i love the skipping journey the piano takes on the lower octaves, i love the burst of energy in the piece, and the way it peels back to the strings and the piano and than smashes back on again -- it's all very inspired yeahyeah! i do find myself wondering where the clock went ;; not that i want it pervading the whole track, but its complete omission is a little curious.
I really really love the parts the bells play at the end of this; really good implementation of what can be a clumsy instrument.
right on!
Thank you for all your comments, you are so good at giving feedback that It made me want to hear my own songs again XD
Thank you!
the subtle speed increase gets the adrenaline going earlyyy
the thick and deliberate pads keep the reins on and the punchy snare does so much work in these constraints!! i really like what is happening
the hats and the synth continue to add tension and it's hype. the additions become a bit predictable without too much change in the melody to offset, though you capture the *exact* energy you want -- under no uncertain terms!
the hopscotchy bit at 1:21 does a lot for giving listener interest, it's like a break-dance section lol! I love the way it snaps back into a head nodding drone, like waving back and forth.
It echoes out, and out, and then sharply out and this song was a trip!
I liked it! thank you for sharing :)
soundscape work is priceless thank you, this shit is fucked up!!!! piano goin like its the last thing 2 ever see mothra alive
writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life
Age 25, she/her/they
Joined on 8/12/11