
361 Audio Reviews

180 w/ Responses

the first 20 seconds are very inviting and the slight tone shift with the pad cutting in shortly after only drew me in further.

right when the vocoded/wah's start to feel a bit overly clustered at the 1:07 mark, the guitar takes over with great timing. the strings are meandering and curious, and the whole song begins to come into its own that way, in an inquisitive sense.

it's a really peaceful track // kinda sandy. it's nice.

the second set of phrases from the guitar are a little higher pitched and almost mold into a keyboard which i think is very lovely. the bass does its job throughout. here, at 3:12 my ear notices the first and only set of repetition in the song that feels a bit overdone. you could probably nix that last cycle for the sake of succinctness.

the track closes out with a pitchbend and i'm a sucker for that, i can't lie.

this was chill as hell and i'm glad you reviewed my song so i could think to check out yours! thank you :)

Pondererer responds:

Wow, now I feel bad for leaving a lower effort comment on your post lol. Thank you so much for this boss 😁

it sounded like the voice sample kept saying "dope-dope-do-do-dope-dope" and if that's a call-in for your name lmao i'm with it it works with the song!

i really enjoyed the subdued nature of this DnB track. i love the little flourishes at the end of each bar, and i was engaged and enjoying the listen throughout. strong production, thank you for sharing!!!

pretty dope to listen to!

50Steaks responds:

If you liked this you’ll probably like my other MSM remixes.

i love the reverb/shadiness of the drums against the clean orchestration. this really creates an unease at the rhythm of the song which is perfect for the vibe. little details like that i feel really can set a piece apart from something similar; this is great work.

and the series of the solos, starting with the violin is so badass. great transition to a very transitional second half, each with their own stories and moments that carry the central theme.

really terrific!

Tangerine responds:

Thank you my friend! I am glad you liked it :)

tbh and i know that this probably isn't that helpful,,,,, i think you've created such a more interesting ideas in the build-up/slower parts, the stuff from literally 0:00 to 0:43 was so weird and textured and layered with sound and noise, so densely packed I was really moved to this eerie place. I thought it was really awesome and i was very hype to think about how you could explore that sound in the 4-minute runtime presented.. and the drum and bass heavy production kicked in and I was,,, bummed? idk i think shit was very evocative without the standard drums and aggression that would otherwise be fun.

AriaLowo responds:

the input is appreciated, thank you c:

Right off the bat I enjoyed the tension of the intro, and the bendiness at 0:06-0:07 and 0:12-0:13.

you have a great sense of control in the opening pacing, I love how the drums are introduced sparsely and how they organically grow into a heavy buildup for the drop.

The drop is really excellent and it isn't a heavy, clumsy drop either, it's like a slide instead. It's so good and very satisfying.

(at this midpoint in the song I'm really struggling to come up with anything to really critique, or something that you could do better, LOL all this is making me want to do is check out your album)

at about 2:20, I kind of feel that the core melody may be a bit exhausted, and some note switchups or chord changes, or even some extra little drum fills could really benefit the song as it gets to the finish. I would love some flourish here!

Overall, the opening, buildup, and initial drop, and past that is just about as good as I could really ask!! It gets a liiiiittle dry to a point near the end, but wowowowow this is really good, and I liked it a lot -- so thank you so much for sharing!! :)

- from the Review4Review thread -

do NOT eat that little caesars bullet!!!!

this is a nice little party, like lukewarm tea and backyard scones or something. very kind!!!

Themon4 responds:

Half of my screen is bugged on ng and for me it looks like it says "Eat that little ceasers bullet!!!!" 👍, im assuming it says do not just before, but its funnier this way lol. Enjoy da party, and tank for da review

this is hype, i love the fluttery synths!!

I feel like the midpoint that's a bit more lowkey/without the leads could use some drumfills to keep interest up, but there is most definitely an appealing energy here!

i like the effective and short outro as well.

Themon4 responds:

Yeah that midpoint used to be so much worse and I just kinda tried to put a little bandage there to cover the cut but It didint rly work out , but hey, Could have been worse

fun! :)

i like the yoyo pitchbends at 0:57-around!

i love the pitter patter yeah!!

i love the little hopscotch you're playing with the beat and how you skip up at the perfect moment every time!
i really enjoyed the subdued ambient nature of this track, though it was fun and surprising enough.

i feel like i stumbled across a little corner well-decorated and unique.

DjSamedi responds:

Thank you for the review! It felt like it belongs in a cozy little shop, with a gentle little creature selling you its various wares. Ambient is a great choice of words

writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life

Age 25, they/she




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