
361 Audio Reviews

180 w/ Responses

Finally, something good get's featured.

I fucking love this.

SpinWires responds:

Thanks! Feel free to grab our other stuff for free. If you ever come out to show make sure to tell me you found us on Newgrounds!

This was just... Exquisite. I'm such a sucker for dat ol skool. Your rapping on this song very very faintly reminds of one of the guys on 'A Tribe Called Quest,' but only at certain parts.

This is really great. Really.

AnalogByNature responds:

wow, quite a throwback! It's been years since we've heard ATCQ!
Big up & thanks to you for the review and the comparison. Looks like we got something right! :)

00:00-01:13 sounded like a 7 second loop, and although it WAS good, it got a little repetitive.

However, after that, it was highly enjoyable.

Keep working at it and you'll strike gold.

devotedone responds:

Well i made this purposely for a firned thats in the process of creatign an rpg. so this is like a track for his game.

Saw your ad, and while this isn't all that dance-y, and the build-up is quite slow, the way you constructed this song is very neat and unique.

Good job.

Generally I despise dubstep, and I mean I freakin' HATE IT.

However, this was a lot more mellow and subtle. I like that. The ability to mentally create situations to this song was fantastic.

Congrats, you have created the only dubstep song I love.

You have serious talent, I really wish you got more exposure.

It was a little inconsistent here and there, and there were some notes that just seemed too off. However, I really do like the overall product you have presented here.

So... Uh... I'm a bit frightened of what a music video of this would be.

But, even though this song is supposed to be crappy, your dicking around wasn't all bad, other than the fact of what it is, haha.

Keep it up, I think?

AnalogByNature responds:

Will do!
And the videos coming out of these tracks are clean.
We are saving the hardcore uncensored material for Newgrounds, possibly.

If you want a video-game epic... This is your song.

writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life

Age 25, they/she




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