Damn, man. I'm trying to stay awake. It's been 32 hours, and you're not helping!
You did what you're trying to achieve here, so there's not much else to say. This track has reached everything it was made for, and you should be proud of that.
Damn, man. I'm trying to stay awake. It's been 32 hours, and you're not helping!
You did what you're trying to achieve here, so there's not much else to say. This track has reached everything it was made for, and you should be proud of that.
Thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed it!
Now, this one sounds very cool and celebratory!
I have no complaints with the true content whatsoever, although you may want to make it loop better, as it just cuts off.
You got mad 8-bit music skills, my friend. However, I feel some of it was relatively the same loop on a different key, and it seemed to go on for too long and it kind of hurt the overall impact. I also didn't really like the cut off ending.
BUT, it was still very energetic and well made. It could fit in a classic game very well.
From one musician to another, keep it up.
Thanks for the review and kind words!
Indeed, I get what you mean with the repeating part, I have uploaded a more modern version called "Fight With All You Got 2" It's more modern and the different instruments make it seem less repetitive. I'm planning on doing a remix or extended of this one for sure :) taking into account your review.
Thanks for reviewing!
Goddamn! I love this.
I... I can't even give a proper review... I just... I just fucking love this!
Well damn; thanks! :D
Glad you liked it!
Alright, it seems here that you just slapped together a few loops, and had them change notes every loop.
The loops themselves weren't necessarily bad. In fact, they were well constructed.
But other than that, it was all repetition. Not much musical value, there. Even toward the end, when you combined them all, it sounded like a big jumbled mess.
Listen, keep trying, and don't give up. Fruity Loops is hard, I know. It's a painstaking process, but as long as you hang in there, you'll do just fine.
thank you and i'll keep practicing with it.
Damn fine.
Thx ^^
Not bad. It was very nice all around. I have no complaints, except for starting around 1:34 to 1:47 the buzzing sounding to alternate between sides a bit too much, and it didn't sound good, and around 2:05 to 2:12 or so, the beeping noise was VERY loud and obnoxious, but I saw you were able to tone it down a bit later on.
However, overall this is a very snazzy song, and I like it quite a bit.
Keep on keeping on.
Thanks a lot for your feedback!! I've enjoyed your music, you have a nice sense of balance in your mixes. That might be an edge you can use..
I truly enjoyed this. It sounded wonderful, especially in the 'not jazz :(' part in the end.
But it REEEAAAALLLLYYYY tended to drag on in the first couple of minutes.
thanks :) i have a tendency to make my instrumental draggy, a tendency which is unfortunately starting to transfer to my vocal songs too because i keep being overly progressive like some massive experimental arse head :/
im glad you liked the not jazz bit, i was having an inner argument with myself on whether or not i should have put it in
As usual, full of variety and humor. The singing was good, drums and guitar were great. My only complaint about this one, is that I sense no present bass, and that hurt the song a bit.
Keep it up!
Yeah, it could have been livened up a bit so it could stand out. It's there, although faintly.
I think we just forgot to turn up the track in post. We're sorry. :)
All this variety is making me dizzy.
I can't stand those redneckish/country singing voices, but you mixed the country and rock very well, and it turned out better than I initially thought, although it does tend to drag on at times.
All in all, a solid song.
I hate country, so i don't blame you. haha (Gdub)
But we do thank you for overlooking that & giving us some advice & positivity! Merry Xmas & Happy New Year, Cubone! We'll probably do something live for New Years this year through youtube or some sort of multi-user video chat place, but not sure if we can set something up alongside NG, given that Tom's most likely away until holidays are over, and people probably wouldn't show up, because "party".
writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life
Age 25, she/her/they
Joined on 8/12/11