- it's so rare and awesome to be completely sold on a song within the first 3 seconds. really killer opening for REAL.
- I feel like the build-up portion from 0:30-1:00 goes on a little toooo long, and i feel like if it was cut in half it would be a lot more satisfying from a dance perspective.
- the drop is really stellar though dope dope dope.
- i think the toms that are behind the bass are a little toooo bongo-y for the sake of the hardness of the song, but maybe that's opinion.
- whatever that drone is at 2:07-2:14 is godlike.
- the repetition of 0:30-1:00 kinda reaffirms to me that it feels outta place with the rest of the song's mood, but the drop still goes just as hard and i LOVE the drums that are present here.
- i could definitely see this playing at the warehouse club i go to sometimes, really cool shit thank you for making this kind of song. (also if you left a review on one of my songs i'd super appreciate it!!)