Sweet tune.
Wasnt this in Stick RPG?
Sweet tune.
Wasnt this in Stick RPG?
thanks and not that i know of
Very 'mysterious' in a way. Good job.
well thank you :]
Man this is really beautiful. You hit the nail on the head on this one. You should work for hollywood! I'm not kissing your ass either. i mean it. awesome!
I'm glad you liked it; thank you!
I'll be honest, I'm still learning, and I'm not sure if Hollywood is going to buy into a person like me, TBH! :P
Well its definetley catchy. Cool tune.
Thanks brotha
This is a pretty catchy tune, and its not as far from good as you think. Just keep at it! You'll get it soon enough!
Thanks, it really means a lot!
Ok, you scared the shit outta me when it first started up, but about a second later, i started cracking up. Dont know why, but thanks for making my day.
KKKK terrified screams of fear and pain of little demon in the human world (v_v)
This is a good song, but it does take a while for it to get started. My two peices of advice would be to make it a little faster quicker, and to polish the sound up just a bit. Nice job and good luck to you too.
thanks for vote and comment friend! I can only try to improve
more tuo have no equipment beyond the box and my bass (^_^),\ /,,
Very nice
This song is kind of an uplifter. Well, it makes me somewhat happy anyway. Btw, whats with the ending? did your recording machine get wacked up or something?
oh nevermind ^^
writer that is trying to resonate well and punch ppl at bar shows -- i use smiley faces with reckless abandon / on a quest 4 life
Age 25, she/her/they
Joined on 8/12/11